Bachelors of Arts (BA) in Business Administration at Ozyegin University: $16,000/year (Scholarship Available)
In the rapidly changing competitive world, individuals who can produce creative information and transform and manage the information they produce into value are needed. The main purpose of the Bachelor of Business Administration Program is to train senior executive candidates who can take on a leadership role in the business world and entrepreneurs who will take on the task of being the locomotive of the economy, by providing students with a management vision that blends today's needs and tomorrow's rising values.
Undergraduate Business Administration students attend a curriculum mainly consisting of core courses and compulsory program courses in the first two years. From their second year, students begin to take Sectoral Solutions courses and get to know various sectors such as financial services, healthcare or consumer and industrial goods manufacturing in these courses.
Starting from the third and fourth years, students mainly take elective courses. Özyeğin University's Undergraduate Business Administration Program allows students to specialize in different functional areas such as Marketing, Finance, Operations, Management or Management Information Systems. Students further enrich their education by taking courses outside their own faculties (such as advanced economics or social entrepreneurship) or other faculties and colleges (such as foreign languages, social sciences, aviation, engineering) in areas of their interest.
In parallel, students continue to increase their knowledge about various sectors and take part in applied projects with advanced Sectoral Solutions courses. The program, which attaches great importance to students gaining practical experience by applying the theoretical knowledge they have acquired in the lessons, to real problems in business life, reinforces this with compulsory internships.