Bachelors of Arts (BA) in English Language Teaching at Yeditepe University: $8,500/year (Scholarship Available)
English Language Teaching Department; The objective of the English Language Teaching program is to equip students with advanced and specialized knowledge in the field and to help them acquire skills for teacher research and professional development. It consists of courses including methodological and pedagogical approaches to foreign language teaching as well as raising students’ awareness of the English language system. It provides courses related to second language acquisition and second language teaching methodology and organizes practice teaching in selected schools in this way a well-balanced emphasis on theory and application is maintained throughout the program. Other courses of the program are offered by various departments of the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Moreover, through elective courses, students are provided with opportunities to pursue individual interests in various cultural and professional topics. The Department of English Language Education has also three graduate programs (MA thesis/non-thesis and Ph.D.) within the framework of the Institute of Educational Sciences.
The English Language Teaching Program, in the Department of Foreign Language Education, was founded on the premise of RESEARCH, APPLICATION, MULTIPERSPECTIVE PRACTICUM and GLOBALIZATION, following the four basic principles of the Faculty of Education. With a strong background on the theories of language, language learning, and foreign language teaching, the focus of the program is research-based, a multi-dimensional practicum on teaching English as a second/foreign language.
Candidate teachers studying at our program undergo research-oriented learning processes, by nature of the courses, as of the second year in the program. In the light of such knowledge and teaching skills, the candidate teachers actualize their own teaching practices experimentally and critically. From the third year in the program, they practice teaching as part of their Teacher Education under the School Protocol between our program and neighboring schools. The candidate teachers are provided with this excellent opportunity to utilize and consolidate their knowledge in authentic teaching contexts through conducting teacher research.
For more academic sophistication, we encourage our students to consider double major/minor programs and other courses offered by the modular training programs in our institution. Further, our students are provided opportunities to be educated as teachers of Turkish as a foreign language if they complete the “Certification Program for Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language”, to begin in February 2020 Candidates who complete this certificate program will be able to work as an L2 Turkish teacher in addition to English. This will give them an edge in the job market.
Regarding the principle of globalization, our program supports the students within the Erasmus Program, which involves protocols with European institutions, and the Exchange Program, which involves some institutions in the US both of which support the students in gaining overseas experience. Finally, our program has now an accredited “Certificate Program for the IB Degree Teaching” in 2019. Upon graduation, the candidate teachers will also be able to work as international IB Degree instructors, which is considered an important emerging specialty.