Master of Arts - Special Education - Intellectual Disability and Severe Disabilities at University of New Mexico - Albuquerque: Tuition Fee: $21,262.00 USD / Year (Scholarship Available)
The MA Program in Special Education Concentration I: Intellectual Disability and Severe Disabilities-Studies in Educational Equity for Diverse Exceptional Learners is guided by the vision that all children and adults with disabilities will be valued members of their communities, including their communities of learners. UNM believes people with intellectual and/or severe disabilities should have meaningful participation in all aspects of life. They should have choices and access to options that allow them to create for themselves personally satisfying lives. They should be supported in their choices to engage in all activities appropriate to their ages and should participate in diverse and inclusive educational environments. Therefore, all people should have the right to participate in an educational system that enhances human rights and provides educational opportunities to students and that does not systematically institutionalize or segregate individuals.
To this end, the faculty of Concentration I enhance and support these opportunities through actively collaborating with people with intellectual disability and other disabilities, their families and friends, teachers, and other professionals within the College of Education, UNM, and the community. The UNM Special Education Concentration in Intellectual Disability and Severe Disabilities provides leadership in:
- Teacher preparation
- Comprehensive educational assessment
- Professional development for other leaders
- Research on issues affecting diverse exceptional learners
- Policy development and implementation
- Advocacy
- Technical assistance and partnerships with schools and agencies
The Concentration also provides a forum in which current challenges surrounding a wide range of diversities and exceptionalities, especially those that lead to stigmatization, exclusion, and oppression, may be explored.
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Application fee: $70.00
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Application fee: $70.00