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Fall 2023 Applications Are Still Open!
Fall & Spring 2023 Applications Are Still Open!

Doctoral - PhD in Contemporary Business Management at Isik University: Tuition: $18,000 USD Entire Program (Scholarship Available)

Course Code Course title credit ECTS
BUS697  PhD Seminar (PhD Seminar) (0+0+0) 21
A seminar where suggestions and studies for reading articles and books are made under the coordination of a faculty member. Each doctoral candidate provides in-depth knowledge of basic scientific papers according to their specialization; Guiding doctoral students on the preparation and presentation of a research proposal.
BUS699  PhD Thesis (PhD Thesis) (0+0+0) 170
Preparation of doctoral thesis under the direction of an academic advisor.
BUS600 Research Design and Methodology (3+0+0) 3 7
Emergence of social sciences and methodological differences. Science and research. Quantitative and qualitative social research. Steps of the research process. Meanings of methodology. Critical social science. Feminist and postmodern research. Qualitative and quantitative measurement and sampling. Survey technique. Qualitative research techniques. Ethnography. Observation. Ethics in social science research.
BUS601  Management in Theory and Practice (3+0+0) 3 7
Classical, neoclassical and postmodern developments in management thought. Chaos theory. Aggregation theory. Population ecology. The strategy of focusing on self-efficacy (outsourcing). Network organization. Teams as flexible organizational management. The diffusion of power or responsibility to the organization. Empower (impowermwnt). Learning organisations. Virtual organizations. Lean organization. kaizen
BUS602 Contemporary Marketing (3+0+0) 3 7
Scope and importance of new techniques in marketing. Modern marketing approach. Relationship marketing. Postmodern marketing. Green marketing. Data-based marketing. franchising. Permission marketing. Value-based marketing. Guerrilla marketing. Interactive marketing. Political marketing. Sustainable marketing.
BUS603 Managerial Finance (3+0+0) 3 7
Business management and financial organization. Financial policies processes. Investment and capital budgeting. structuring of capital. Working capital management. Dividend distribution policies. Resource cost and management. Risk and return management. Evaluation of financial management performance. Company/share trial valuation. Long-term financial planning. Business budgets. Company ratings. Company mergers and acquisitions. Company financial failures.
BUS604 Operations Research (3+0+0) 3 7
Examples of operations research linear programming (D/P) and models. Different forms of D/P problems and their equivalence. Optimization criterion. Artificial basis solution method. Dual D/P problems, primal and dual relations, primal - dual calculations. Dual simplex method. Economic interpretation of duality. Transport models. Assignment model. Network models: minimum spanning tree problems, shortest path problems and maximum flow problems, PERT analysis. Integer D/P: cutting plane algorithm, branch-and-bound method.
BUS605  Current Issues in Labor Relations (3+0+0) 3 7
Analysis of worker-employer relations in terms of the International Labor Organization and the European Union. Wage concept: gross wage, gross and net wage concepts. Minimum wage. Fee and tax. Fee payments. Deductions from wages. Concept of union representation: labor unions and collective bargaining, strikes and lockouts; programs for worker participation in management. Social security concept. Social insurance and insurance concept. Types of insurance. Occupational safety and employee health. Related provisions in labor law and SSK.
BUS606  Business Project Management (3+0+0) 3 7
Practical project management techniques applicable to business projects in the private and public sectors. Project management cycle. Logical framework. Project lifecycle and organization. Project management processes. Project integration management. Concepts and techniques in determining project conditions. Project time, cost and quality management Business analysis structures. Planning the business calendar. Network analysis. Resource management and budgeting. Risk analysis; Reporting tools such as Gantt and PERT network charts.
BUS607 New Product Development and Innovation Management
(New Product Development and Innovation Management)
(3+0+0) 3 7
Innovation, new product and service concepts and contents. Innovation management, detailed analysis of alternative new product strategies. Stages of innovation, new product and new product development process. Customer needs and wishes and the methods used to reveal this issue. Internal and external factors affecting the innovation and new product development process. Relationships between design-production-marketing. Intellectual capital and knowledge management. Product and brand strategy. New product design. Packaging and product development. New service development. In new product development design and organizational structure. Increasing competitive advantage by developing appropriate innovation models. Innovation costs and quality.
BUS608 Supply Chain Management (3+0+0) 3 7
Introduction to supply chain management. Supply chain management concept. Strategies for structuring the supply chain. Creation of supply chain management plan. Managing uncertainty and economies of scale in the supply chain. Integration in the supply chain. Integrated supply chain. Performance measures used to increase the efficiency of supply chain management. Importance of knowledge in supply chain management. Information and communication technologies in the supply chain. Demand management concept. Stock management. Logistics management. Electronic supply chain.
BUS609 Qualitative Research Methods (3+0+0) 3 7
Introduction of qualitative research methods. Scientific approach: rationality, science, common sense, research. Comparison of traditional, experimental and statistical-based research methods and qualitative research tools; content analysis; ethnographic analysis; interview techniques. Quantitative research. Ethical philosophy. Survey planning . sample. Data and finding analysis. Data reporting.
BUS610 Consumer Behaviors (3+0+0) 3 7
Introduction to consumer behavior. Consumer behavior marketing relationship. Consumer behavior models. Individual differences that shape consumer behavior. Consumer lifestyles and market segmentation. Psychological processes and situational influences that shape consumer behavior. Socio-cultural factors shaping consumer behavior. Consumer decision making and purchasing behavior. Purchasing and post-purchase behavior of consumers. How do consumers think? Consumers' cognitive structures. Consumer behavior studies. New consumer trends. Consumer society and consumption culture discussions.
BUS611 Corporate Finance Theory (3+0+0) 3 7
Definition of public finance. market failures. State philosophies. The size of the public sector. Welfare economics and the Pareto optimum. Efficiency and equality. Social welfare boundary and function. Public goods, their types and effective provision. Social choice. Externalities. Income distribution. Cost-benefit analysis. Taxation and efficiency. Taxes income distribution. Reflection of taxes. New developments in tax theory. Personal taxation and conduct. The need for tax harmonization with the EU. Tax reform and growth.
BUS612 (Financial Econometrics) (3+0+0) 3 7
Classical linear regression model. Univariate time series analysis. Multivariate analysis. long-term addiction. Unit root tests and cointegration, random volatility modeling. Stochastic processes and their properties. Behaviors of financial variables. Risk measures. Financial applications of simple linear regression. Financial applications of Multivariate linear regression. quantile regression. Robust regression. Variance and volatility. Covariance and correlation. Equal weighted and moving average. Exponentially weighted Moving average. ARCH and GARCH models. I simulate.
BUS613 Computational Finance (3+0+0) 3 7
Error and measurement concepts. Solution methods of linear systems. Solution methods of nonlinear systems. Optimal portfolio analysis. Interpolation. Volatility and relevance. Principal component analysis. Factor models. Value at risk. Non-normal distribution of asset returns. Time series models. High frequency data. Solving methods of ordinary differential equations.
BUS614 Real Options (3+0+0) 3 7
Concepts of real options and embedded options. Real options: basic intuition. Examination of real options with simple DCF analysis. Identifying real options. Valuation using Black-Scholes. Comparison of net present value and real option methods. Flexibility valuation. Decision trees. Numerical methods. Compound and replacement options. Volatility estimation.
BUS615 Current Issues in Management (3+0+0) 3 7
The development of management thought and practice. Innovation management. learning organisations. Techniques for the change of organizational structure. Virtual organizations. Network organizations and strategic partnerships. Balanced measurement card. Total quality Management. Sustainability and corporate social responsibility.
BUS616 Current Issues in Marketing (3+0+0) 3 7
Introduction to new approaches in marketing. Postmodern marketing. Value marketing. Market versatility. Niche marketing. Direct marketing. Data-based marketing. Marketing on the Internet. Mobile marketing. Marketing via social networks. Event marketing. Marketing communication. Social marketing.
BUS617 Current Issues in Finance (3+0+0) 3 7
Introduction to current issues in finance. Macro precautionary measures. Financial globalization. Case studies on financial globalization. Capital flows. Case study on the real estate bubble. Case studies on foreign exchange controls and exchange controls. Global imbalances. Correction of the international financial system and exchange rate regimes.
BUS501 Contemporary Management (3+0+0) 3 7
Historical development of management thought. The birth of contemporary management thought and the development of contemporary management techniques in the Z theory competitive business environment. Changing paradigms in management. Fundamentals of learning organizations. Change management. Organizational goal setting. Planning. Teamwork practices, managerial strategy determinations. Core capability, outsourcing and strategic downsizing. Enterprise performance management. Strategic collaborations. Corporate governance and social responsibility. Corporate reputation management.
BUS534 Marketing Management (3+0+0) 3 7
Definition, scope and importance of marketing. Marketing management in strategic business planning. Marketing planning and marketing process. Analysis and evaluation of market opportunities. Market segmentation and target market selection. Planning the marketing mix strategy. Creation of product programs and Product Life Course. Pricing objectives and pricing methods. Distribution channel selection and distribution policies. Selection and evaluation of intermediaries in the distribution channel. Promotion decisions and promotion methods. Methods of determining the promotion budget.
BUS545 Financial Management and Financial Analysis (3+0+0) 3 7
Financial purpose and finance function. Organization of the finance department. Duties of the finance manager. Financial environment. Financial markets, institutions and instruments. Basic financial statements. Introduction to financial analysis. Financial analysis methods. Financial planning. Working capital management. Cash, financial assets and receivables management. Stock management. Risk and return. Time Value of Money. Capital budgeting and investment decisions. Evaluation of investment projects. Funding sources. Capital structure and cost of capital. Financial statements. Financial statements relationship and analysis.
BUS505 Financial Accounting (3+0+0) 3 7
Definition and functions of accounting, accounting principles, basic concepts of accounting, accounting equation and financial statements, definition of account and rules of operation. Recording tools in accounting, accounting process. Stocks, securities, trade receivables and other receivables, inventories. Expenses and income accruals for future months, other current Assets, financial fixed assets. Intangible assets, tangible assets. Financial Debts. Trade payables-other payables-advances received, taxes and funds payable-provisions for debts and expenses. Income and expense accruals for the next months, equity. Income statement accounts and closing transactions
BUS507 Ethics, Corporate Governance and Sustainability
(Ethics, Corporate Governance and Sustainability)
(3+0+0) 3 7
Ethics, corporate governance and introduction. Concept and importance of corporate governance (corporate governance). History of ethics and corporate governance and country examples. OECD principles in the output of ethical and corporate governance principles. Development of ethical and corporate governance principles in Turkey. Ethical and corporate governance practices and company examples. Corporate governance beyond institutionalization. Corporate governance and sustainability concept. The effects of sustainable corporate governance on business processes.
BUS509 Business Economics (3+0+0) 3 7
Basic concepts and tools. Introduction to market structures. To grasp the nature of economic problems. Supply and demand. Consumer preferences. Firm theory. Production and cost. Perfect competition. monopoly Optimization problems in alternative markets. Market equilibrium and pricing. macroeconomic principles. Fiscal policies. monetary policies. balance of payments. Exchange rate. Decision making under uncertainty and institutional constraints. Introduction to intertemporal optimization. Asymmetric information problems. Moral risk and adverse selection problems.
BUS519 Strategic Management (3+0+0) 3 7
Overview of strategic management, setting direction for businesses: mission and vision, strategic decisions in businesses. Strategic planning and system of objectives, basic objectives of enterprises, social responsibilities. Organization of governance and strategic management efforts in companies. General, international and industry environment analysis. Business valuation, analysis of strengths and weaknesses compared to competitors. Types of strategic alternatives that businesses and strategic business units can pursue (growth, stagnant growth, savings strategies). Case analysis method as a training tool in strategic management and business policy, determination of business level strategies or policies. Strategy and organizational structure, resource allocation. Organizational culture and strategy, case studies.
BUS520 Research Methods (3+0+0) 3 7
Introduction to scientific research. Fundamentals of scientific research. Scientific approaches; positivism and qualitative approach, interpretive and quantitative approach. Basic concepts in scientific research. Selection of research topic and problem. Critical source review. Data types and data collection tools in scientific research: Questionnaire and observation. Data types and data collection tools in scientific research; interviews and documents. Measurement and scales in research. Sample and sample types. Quantitative and quantitative data analysis. Preparation of the research report.
BUS512 Management Information Systems and Decision Making
(Management Information Systems and Decision Making)
(3+0+0) 3 7
İşletme verilerinin işlenmesi, ofis otomasyonu, bilgilerin raporlanması ve karar verme maksadıyla modern bilgisayar esaslı bilgi sistemlerinin tasarımı, uygulamaya sokulması, kontrol ve stratejik kullanımına ilişkin temeller. Elektronik veri transferi, tedarik zinciri yönetimi, küresel bilgi sistemleri, karar destek ve coğrafi bilgi sistemleri, yapay zeka, uzman sistemler, risk, kontrol ve güvenlik tedbirleri. Yönetsel karar-verme sürecine yardımcı olabilecek analitik modelleme ve istatistiksel analiz teknikleri. Değişik analizleri yapabilmek için bilgisayar yazılımları kullanımı. Karar analizleri, istatistiksel karar verme, regresyon analizi, doğrusal programlama ve simulasyon analizleri. Olasılık analizleri için gerekli olan alt yapının oluşturulması.
BUS514 International Business (Uluslararası Yönetim) (3+0+0) 3 7
Overview of international business management. Fundamentals of international management. Institutional culture and management models. Comparative view of cultural studies, cultural dimensions. Current debates in management and culture. Multiculturalism and its effects. Cultural conflict and its management in mergers and acquisitions. Leadership and negotiation management in international companies. Social culture and international management. Intercultural communication. Values ​​and work ethic. International teams and their management. Global workforce supply, compensation and career management.
BUS516 Human Resources Management (3+0+0) 3 7
Definition of human resources management, its scope, its place and importance in the organizational structure. staff management. Functions that form the basis of human resource management; job analysis and job design. Human resource planning. Human resources procurement process. Performance evaluation system. Wage concept; wage systems. Job evaluation, occupational safety and worker health. Features of the manager; working principles, corporate culture and new formations in human resources.
BUS518 Production Management (3+0+0) 3 7
Introduction to production management and basic concepts. Production systems and classifications. Organization of production and relations of production with other functions. Decision making in production, discussion with examples from Turkish and world companies. Examples on quality practices in production, product quality and process quality. Role and importance of material management, warehouse management, demand forecasting and stock management. Introduction to site selection problems, verbal techniques and reporting. Numerical techniques in site selection. Transport techniques. Introduction to stock management. Capacity and efficiency problems. Production and supply chain strategies.
BUS537 Brand Management (3+0+0) 3 7
The place and importance of brand strategies in marketing management. Historical background of brand concept and practices. Brand definitions. Trademark according to Turkish Trademarks Law. Brand types. Brand meanings for consumers. Brand value concept. Assets that make up consumer-based brand equity. Brand loyalty. Brand awareness. Perceived quality-brand associations. Key brand decisions. Brand strategies (multi-brand use decision. Brand extension decision. Brand repositioning decision). Product and brand features. Price and quality valuation in consumer brand perception.
BUS539 Competition and Competetion Strategies (3+0+0) 3 7
Competition and strategy basic concepts . Competition and strategy in schools of strategic thought. Competition Management. Developing the competitive vision and mission. Creation of competitive strategy. Competitive strategy and competitive advantages. Environmental analysis. Industry and competitive analysis techniques. Evaluation of the competitive capacity of the enterprise. Competition and politics in emerging industries. Competition strategy and policies in international markets.
BUS526 Sales Management (3+0+0) 3 7
Basic principles of sales management. Sales motivation. Sales ethics. Sales training. Sales quotas. Selling process. Customer types. Vendor types. Personal selling and promotion. Using body language in the sales process. Developing sales strategies. International sales strategies.
BUS528 Industrial and Service Marketing (3+0+0) 3 7
Industrial markets and their characteristics. Relationship marketing. Purchasing and supplying in industrial markets. Organizational behavior with industrial marketing approach. Target market determination and positioning in industrial markets. Industrial marketing information system and competitive environment. Product policies and new product development process-branding process in industrial markets. Industrial services and marketing methods. Industrial marketing pricing policies. Supply chain management and distribution policies in industrial markets. Promotion policies in industrial markets. Internationalization, innovations and trends in industrial markets.
BUS502 International Financial Management (3+0+0) 3 7
Basic concepts and introduction to international finance. Foreign exchange markets, their functioning and basic parity conditions. Exchange rate forecasts. Fundamental analysis and problem solving. Technical analysis and applications. International money market, borrowing and investment instruments in the international money market, problem solving. International capital market, issuance of stocks and bonds in the international capital market, using these tools in decision-making processes and solving problems. Euro markets and instruments. Balance of payments, financing of foreign trade. Short-term and long-term financing opportunities and problem solving in foreign trade financing. Firm strategies and foreign direct investment, evaluation of investment projects. Evaluation of investment projects. Investing under uncertainty static and dynamic investment calculations; its application and problem solving in multinational companies.
BUS503 Portfolio Management (3+0+0) 3 7
Introduction to portfolio management. Traditional portfolio analysis . Modern portfolio theories. Markowitz model. index model. The financial asset pricing model . Option theory. Selection of the most suitable portfolio; balance of risk and return. market activity. Statistical/quantitative definitions of financial asset markets. Active and passive portfolio management. Asset allocation.
BUS504 Financial Statements Analysis (3+0+0) 3 7
Introduction to financial statements. Introduction of basic financial statements. Additional financial statements. Cost of goods sold table and funds flow table. Cash flow statement and profit distribution statement. Working capital and equity change table. Preparation and interpretation of financial statements. Importance of financial analysis for business stakeholders. Classification of financial analysis methods. Comparative financial analysis method. Vertical percentage analysis method. Trend (trend) analysis method. Analysis using the ratio method. Applications related to financial analysis techniques.
BUS506 Investment Valuation and Analysis (3+0+0) 3 7
Introduction to investment management. Investment management terms and individual investment process. Fund flow in the economy. Capital markets, stock markets and their operations. Trading mechanisms. Exchange orders. Stock market indicators / indices. Economy and sector analysis. Company analysis / company valuation. Risk and return in financial assets. Major investment instruments (securities and other capital market instruments). active markets. Capital asset pricing model (CAPM). Arbitrage pricing model (APT).
BUS535 New Product Development and Design (3+0+0) 3 7
New product and service concepts and contents. Stages of new product and new product development process. Customer needs and wishes and the methods used to reveal this issue. Internal and external factors affecting the new product development process. Relationships between design-production-marketing. Intellectual capital and knowledge management. Product and brand strategy. New product design. Packaging and product development. New service development. In new product development design and organizational structure.
BUS515 Leadership and Team Management (3+0+0) 3 7
The concept of leadership and its characteristics. Acquisition and development of leadership skills. Features approach. Behavioral and situational leadership approach. Leadership types. Leadership skills in technology and innovation management. Effective contributions of a leader in an organization. Developing leadership qualities. Team spirit concept. Team management and its importance. Leadership and team management. Critical leadership issues and skills needed to coordinate team members. The role of the leader in team management. Leadership, coaching, mentoring in team management.
BUS508 Project Management (3+0+0) 3 7
Project selection. The role of the project manager. Project organization, planning, budgeting and cost estimation. Time management, resource allocation, project monitoring and follow-up using information systems. Audit, financial audit and termination of the project. Project leadership, conflict resolution and communication skills, risk analysis and problem solving in team-based projects.
BUS510 R&D Management (3+0+0) 3 7
Functions of R&D in technology creation. R&D strategy and planning methods. Evaluation, selection, organization and implementation techniques of R&D projects. National and international R&D systems and policies. Organization techniques of R&D laboratories. Management of R&D employees and productivity. R&D collaborations between government-business-university. Evaluation of R&D success.
BUS511  Entrepreneurship and Innovation (3+0+0) 3 7
Definition of entrepreneurship. Myths and facts about entrepreneurs, common individual characteristics. Identifying and evaluating opportunities and generating ideas. Evaluation of resources, competencies, strengths and weaknesses. Evaluation of the macro-environment. Developing and writing a business plan. Team building. Financial support of the enterprise and analysis of its financial viability. Ethical and legal foundations. Marketing plan. Evaluation and management of risk and uncertainty. Understanding the barriers to entrepreneurs. The place and importance of innovation in strategic organization management to ensure competitiveness. Various concepts related to innovation.
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